Financial Assistance
For GED, Skill Certifications
& Expungements
The Cooperative Ministry provides financial assistance to Richland County residents experiencing barriers to a better job or higher wages. These barriers include lack of education, lack of training, or possessing a criminal record.
The Career Improvement Program pays the cost of obtaining a GED or the administrative costs to expunge qualifying, first-time offenses from a criminal record. The program will also pay a portion of the cost to obtain professional certification or training in a career field such as food service, cosmetology, transportation, or nursing, to name a few. You must be enrolled in a certification course or training to qualify for financial help in this area.
Interested? Contact our Coordinator at (803) 799-3853, ext. 328, for more information. You can also apply by clicking on the application below, filling it out, and email it to acounts@coopmin.org.

To increase the economic self-sufficiency of people experiencing poverty in the Midlands through crisis assistance and sustainability programs.