We are thankful for our church partners
and their annual financial contributions
to help others with Financial Assistance and Empowerment services
aimed at helping people become self-sufficient
​Calvary Baptist Church
​Crescent Hill Baptist Church
​Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Ebenezer Lutheran Church
Emmanuel Church of our Lord Jesus Christ
First Baptist Church, Columbia
First Presbyterian Church, Columbia
Forest Lake Presbyterian Church
Francis Burns United Methodist Church
​Gateway Baptist Church
God's Providence
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
​Greenlawn Baptist Church
Greenview First Baptist Church
Lebanon Methodist Church
​McGregor Presbyterian Church
​Mount Elon Baptist Church
NewSpring Church
Northeast Presbyterian Church
NorthStar Christian Center
Our Lady Of The Hills Catholic Church
Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Redeemer Lutheran Church
​Ridgewood Missionary Baptist Church
Rose Hill Presbyterian Church
SC Conference of the United Methodist Church
Saint John Baptist Church
​Sandhills Community Church
Second Calvary Baptist Church
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Shandon Baptist Church
Shandon Presbyterian Church
Shandon United Methodist Church
St. Andrews Baptist Church
St. Andrews Lutheran Church
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church
​St. Martin’s in the Fields Episcopal Church
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Tree of Life Sisterhood
Trenholm Road United Methodist Church
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
​Unity of The Columbia
​Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist Church
​Westminister Presbyterian Church

To increase the economic self-sufficiency of people experiencing poverty in the Midlands through crisis assistance and sustainability programs.